CS4400X: Introduction to Database (Data Management)
(Spring 2020)
Your score consists of the following components:
(subject to minor changes)
- Course participation: 5%
- Five assignments: 45%
- One closed-book mid-term: 25%
- One final programming contest to solve a data science task: 25%
Course participation
Class attendance is mandatory primarily because this course will not strictly follow any textbooks. You will best learn the materials of this course through classes.
There will be random roll calls, and you will lose 1% for each missed class.
We understand there could be cases where you have to miss a class, please email the instructor and TA your reason for missing a class prior.
Tentatively, the assignments will cover the following topics:
- A1: ER 10%
- A2: SQL 10%
- A3: FDs and Normalization: 10%
- A4: Transactions and data profiling 10%
- A5: Programming environment setup in preparation for the final programming contest 5%
The closed-book mid-term will cover materials in relational databases as well as materials in data profiling.
Final programming contest
The final programming contest will require you to leverage what you have learned in class about practical machine learning and data cleaning technologies to solve a data science task. You will be judged based on the quality of your solutions.
Details to follow....