CS 8803 DML: Data Management and Machine Learning
(Fall 2018)
Paper Review
For each class, the student must select one paper out of the
two papers, and submit the paper review the night before
The presenter of a paper will lead the discussions of the
questions and comments in the reviews he/she receives. All
students are required to actively participate in the discussion.
Submission Guideline
- The review must be emailed to the Instructor and the TA by 9:00pm
EST the night before the class.
- The title of the email must be "CS 8803 DML Paper
Review {Your GT User ID} {Title of the Paper}"
- The review content should be in the body of the
email, NOT as an attachment.
- Late submissions will not be accepted.
- If you are presenting a paper for a class, then you don't
need to submit any review for that class.
- Given unpredictable workloads students may have during the
semester, you are allowed to miss at most three reviews
during the semester.
Review Structure
Each review must contain the following information:
- Summary: (An overview of the main idea and contributions
in one paragraph)
- What is this paper about?
- What is the main contribution?
- Describe the main approach & results. Just facts, no
opinions yet.
- Summarize the insights resulting from the empirical study.
- Strength: (State at least three strengths of the paper)
- Is there a new theoretical insight? Or a significant
empirical advance?
- Did they solve a standing open problem? Or a good
formulation for a new problem? Or a faster/better solution
for an existing problem?
- Any good practical outcome (code, algorithm, etc)?
- Are the experiments well executed?
- Useful for the community in general?
- Other types of strengths you may think of ...
- Weakness: (State at least three weaknesses of the paper.)
- What can be done better?
- Any missing baselines? Missing datasets?
- Any odd design choices in the algorithm not explained
- Quality of writing?
- Is there sufficient novelty in what they propose?
- Minor variation of previous work?
- Why should anyone care? Is the problem interesting and
- Other types of strengths you may think of ...
- Detailed Comments and Reflection: (Discuss at least one
comment in detail)
- How does this relate to other papers we have read?
- What are the next research directions in this line of
- What (directly or indirectly related) new ideas did this
paper give you?
- What would you be curious to try?
- What experiments can deepen our understanding?
- How can your own research benefit from the insights
provided in the paper?
- Why is the paper not interesting?
- What is the paper’s potential impact on the field?
Each review will be evaluated on a 100 points scale:
- 20 points for summary
- 20 points for strengths
- 20 points for weakness
- 20 points for detailed comments
- 20 points for clarity and cogent statements
- Bonus: 10 points for exceptional reviews with new insights
that can inspire future work