CS 8803 DMM: Data Management and Machine Learning
(Fall 2020)
Paper Review
For each research paper, the student must write a paper review, and submit the paper review in a given deadline to the instructor and the TA via Slack.
Submission Guideline
- The review must be submitted to the Instructor (Xu Chu) and the TA (Hantian Zhang) in the course slack.
- Late submissions will not be accepted.
- Given unpredictable workloads students may have during the
semester, you are allowed to miss at most three reviews
during the semester.
Review Structure
Each review must contain the following information:
- Summary: (An overview of the main idea and contributions
in one paragraph)
- What is this paper about?
- What is the main contribution?
- Describe the main approach & results. Just facts, no
opinions yet.
- Summarize the insights resulting from the empirical study.
- Strength: (State at least three strengths of the paper)
- Is there a new theoretical insight? Or a significant
empirical advance?
- Did they solve a standing open problem? Or a good
formulation for a new problem? Or a faster/better solution
for an existing problem?
- Any good practical outcome (code, algorithm, etc)?
- Are the experiments well executed?
- Useful for the community in general?
- Other types of strengths you may think of ...
- Weakness: (State at least three weaknesses of the paper.)
- What can be done better?
- Any missing baselines? Missing datasets?
- Any odd design choices in the algorithm not explained
- Quality of writing?
- Is there sufficient novelty in what they propose?
- Minor variation of previous work?
- Why should anyone care? Is the problem interesting and
- Other types of strengths you may think of ...
- Two discussion points: (To be brought by you in classroom discussion)
- How does this relate to other papers we have read?
- What are the next research directions in this line of
- What (directly or indirectly related) new ideas did this
paper give you?
- What would you be curious to try?
- What experiments can deepen our understanding?
- How can your own research benefit from the insights
provided in the paper?
- Why is the paper not interesting?
- What is the paper’s potential impact on the field?
Each review will be evaluated on a 100 points scale:
- 20 points for summary
- 20 points for strengths
- 20 points for weakness
- 20 points for discussion points
- 20 points for clarity and cogent statements
- Bonus: 10 points for exceptional reviews with new insights
that can inspire future work